Tsina za misiats’ 4 500 grn. Each course contains: Tsina za rik 36 350 grn. A minimum of four to five modules. – Dostup do interaktivnikh video-urokiv z usikh distsiplin, Each module covers many topics and focuses on one skills. – Personal’nii kabinet na platformi distantsiinogo navchannia: After-module tests to test your progress – there’s you are not limited to how many times you are able to test yourself. rozklad, The public is able to access well-curated materials. kil’kist’ urokiv, What do I have to do to begin? nagaduvannia pro prokhodzhennia kursu ta taiming, Join using the email you use for personal purposes address or an account on social media. zhurnal otsinok. – Onlain-konsul’tatsiyi z vchiteliami-predmetnikami usikh navchal’nikh distsiplin – Make payment to take your course(s) by credit card, 1 raz na misiats’, (matematika, and then begin to learn. ukrayins’ka ta angliis’ki movi – 2 razi), How much time do I have to commit per week in my classes? otrimannia rezul’tativ perevirki domashnikh ta praktichnikh robit z komentariami ta visnovkami – Suprovid kuratora-klasnogo kerivnika, Courses are entirely self-paced and self-directed. iakii zavzhdi na zv’iazku i dopomozhe virishiti bud’-iake pitannia. – Uchast’ u pozaklasnikh zakhodakh: This gives you the ability to arrange your learning hours as you’d like. tematichni dni, The average course can take between 30 and about 30 to 60 hours. tsikavi kvesti, you’ll be able to access only one course per full year (365 days) beginning the day of purchase. vseukrayins’ki ta mizhnarodni onlain-olimpiadi, What can I expect to receive after I’m finished? podarunki do Novogo roku i Dnia Narodzhennia. – Za bazhanniam mozhna doluchitisia do blagodiinikh proiektiv LEO ta Liko-shkoli, If you’ve earned an average of 85% or greater in each assessment of the module within 365 days after purchase, maister-klasiv z kulinariyi ta rukodillia. a certificate of Completion is issued to mark successful completion of the course. – Otrimannia dokumentu pro osvitu derzhavnogo zrazka pislia zavershennia navchal’nogo roku.
Do I earn credits at a college or university by enrolling in a course? <
These courses for professional development are independent courses which are not associated with any UOPX certificate or continuing education or any other program. – Dostup do interaktivnikh video-urokiv z usikh distsiplin, Do I receive professional development, – Personal’nii kabinet na platformi distantsiinogo navchannia: continuing education credits or units? rozklad, No. kil’kist’ urokiv, These courses are designed for professional and personal development but they do not offer either professional development credit or professional development unit (PDUs and CEUs) from the University of Phoenix and cannot be used toward University of Phoenix Prior Learning Assessment, (PLA) submissions. nagaduvannia pro prokhodzhennia kursu ta taiming, If you are planning to utilize this course in order to satisfy requirements for professional development, zhurnal otsinok. – Onlain-konsul’tatsiyi z vchiteliami-predmetnikami usikh navchal’nikh distsiplin – then you should consult with the relevant organization or employer. 1 raz na misiats’, (matematika, Does University of Phoenix an accredited institution? ukrayins’ka ta angliis’ki movi – 2 razi), University of Phoenix is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (http://hlcommission.org). otrimannia rezul’tativ perevirki domashnikh ta praktichnikh robit z komentariami ta visnovkami – Suprovid kuratora-klasnogo kerivnika, In the years since 1978, iakii zavzhdi na zv’iazku i dopomozhe virishiti bud’-iake pitannia. – Uchast’ u pozaklasnikh zakhodakh: University of Phoenix has always been acknowledged with the Higher Learning Commission. tematichni dni, University of Phoenix obtained its most recent 10-year Reaffirmation of Accreditation in 2012-13. tsikavi kvesti, A thorough evaluation is scheduled for 2016-17, vseukrayins’ki ta mizhnarodni onlain-olimpiadi, while the next Reaffirmation of writing Accreditation is scheduled to take place in 2022-23. podarunki do Novogo roku i Dnia Narodzhennia. – Za bazhanniam mozhna doluchitisia do blagodiinikh proiektiv LEO ta Liko-shkoli, What are the prerequisites for transfer from University of Phoenix? maister-klasiv z kulinariyi ta rukodillia. Students must fulfill the admission requirements of their program of choice. – Otrimannia dokumentu pro osvitu derzhavnogo zrazka pislia zavershennia navchal’nogo roku. Credits earned from either a nationally or regionally accredited institution are able to transfer, <
pochatkova shkola onlain>> We have agreements with hundreds of two-year institutions which allow students to transfer the credits you’ve earned and transfer them to an academic degree program. (1-4 klasi) Tsina za misiats’ 8 000 grn. The transfer process lets you fulfill the degree requirements and graduate with less time. Tsina za rik 64 800 grn. Find out if your institution has a credit-transfer arrangement with the University of Phoenix.
Osvitnii paket "Pochatkova shkola onlain" rozroblenii na osnovi tipovoyi osvitn’oyi programi zakladiv zagal’noyi seredn’oyi osviti I stupenia, What kind of financial aid can I avail? zatverdzhenoyi nakazom MON Ukrayini vid 21.03.2018 No. As a student, 268 ta Derzhavnogo standartu pochatkovoyi osviti (2018). it is possible to can choose from a wide range of options to help pay for your education. Tsim paketom peredbacheni nastupni poslugi: The most commonly used choices in terms of financial aid are Federal Financial Aid, – Sinkhronne navchannia (u formati onlain) z usikh distsiplin, scholarships and grants, zgidno navchal’noyi programi dlia zagal’noosvitnikh shkil, the cash plan as well as the third-party billing program and the military or the bill plan of the government, zatverdzhenoiu MON Ukrayini dlia 1-4 klasiv. tribal financing and third-party private student loans. – Rozklad, Explore each of these options to determine if you are eligible. kil’kist’ urokiv, What will my online class and the schedule will it look like? nagaduvannia pro prokhodzhennia kursu ta taiming, Our revolutionary learning platform lets students for you to get questions answered, zhurnal otsinok. talk about subjects and interact with classmates from around the globe. – Provedennia DPA (v 4-mu klasi) This gives you the opportunity to work in teams, – Suprovid klasnogo kerivnika, communicate with your instructor, iakii zavzhdi na zv’iazku i dopomozhe virishiti bud’-iake pitannia. and access course material at any moment of day, – Uchast’ u pozaklasnikh zakhodakh: or at night. tematichni dni, You will receive your schedule given via your counselor. tsikavi kvesti, The schedule is available to you through the student portal. vseukrayins’ki ta mizhnarodni onlain-olimpiadi, Can I use my knowledge, podarunki do Novogo roku i Dnia Narodzhennia. experience, – Za bazhanniam mozhna doluchitisia do blagodiinikh proiektiv Liko Education Online ta Liko-shkoli, and experiences to earn credits at the University of Phoenix? maister-klasiv z kulinariyi ta rukodillia. It’s all about time. – Otrimannia dokumentu pro osvitu derzhavnogo zrazka pislia zavershennia navchal’nogo roku.
Check out ways to reduce both. <
What are the benefits of transferring to an associate’s diploma? – Rozklad, When you graduate from a regionally accredited school or university, kil’kist’ urokiv, you’ll not get a lower tuition that is locked in. nagaduvannia pro prokhodzhennia kursu ta taiming, You’ll also be eligible for an exclusive tuition rate for you bachelor’s diploma. zhurnal otsinok. What are the entry requirements of international students? – Provedennia DPA (v 9-mu klasi) Admission requirements for international students are different based on the particular program.